Monday, May 07, 2012

Speaking in truth

Over the weekend, God taught me to trust in Him.

It was about my prior post. In my mind, I was asking God, Why did you let it slip my tongue? I didn't want to meddle in their affairs but it just happened. Last Friday, I had a chance to spend some time with my Spanish Class friends and some old friends. And two of my team mates contacted me. The first one was fine because after talking to her on the phone, she was on a resolve mode as I was. But the second one was something very stressful that somehow ruined my night. Texting me about how their friendship was ruined because of what happened.

To be honest, I didn't feel guilty about telling the truth. What I am concerned is that someone is upset about what I accidentally and unintentionally did. I prayed to God about it. I even asked my mom's opinion and some whom I trust. All of them told me that I did nothing wrong. Last Sunday, I was blessed to be able to attend Ptr. Bong's 430p service. The Pastor discussed about knowing what your mission in life is which is to glorify God. Indeed, it was something that I have asked God about. And God confirmed to speak in truth.

True enough, God revealed to me His plan. The issue they had, God remedied it Saturday. All's well that ends well. And as for me I was convicted by this verse,  "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Col 4:6. 

I realized that my participating in the things that are ungodly hurts my faith. Hurts my relationship with Jesus. I chose to love Jesus and that is loving Him with all my heart, mind and soul. And I pray that may God help me to stay away from ungodly conversations. That I will no longer participate in those kinds so that I won't be tempted to tell not so good things about others.

Lord, You had once again proved yourself to me. You proved that You are God. And your plans are better than mine. And Your thoughts are higher than ours. Indeed, You are an everlasting God. And I pray that I may always be faithful to you and your word. May you be with me always.

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