Saturday, September 14, 2013

My September

It's been awhile since I wrote something here. Although I managed to write in my other space, time and internet availability was not enough.

September is a very memorable month for me. First, it was when my lola Nita was born. Second, when I had my first gig with my band (then known as Garlic Project until we changed the name to ProxyPrexy) and third, it's when I fully surrendered my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (9-11-11).

March was a disappointment to me for it was the last month I needed to get my promotion but was when my faith was tested too. Changes occurred.  New boss, new culture and new challenges. Little did I know that this is the start of God's new lessons.

April came to my delight. By God's grace, He allowed me to serve in the kids' ministry for the DVBS at the same time blessed me with a great score at work.

May, June, July were the toughest months I've encountered. These were the days when my prayers seemed left unanswered and I felt like giving up. God gave me Jeremiah 45 and Isaiah 55 to comfort me.

August was the confirmation of what I prayed for. August 3rd, my new baby was born! It came out of nowhere while I was in the shower. The melody coupled with lyrics just went out of my mouth and in a span of two days, it's a song ready to be jammed with the band. Praise God for Ecclesiastes which was the book I was reading that time. Two weeks after came one song after another. There came W.A.I.T which was blessed by Proverbs 30:19. It had been a year or so that I had been struggling to write songs. I wrote one but it took months for it to be completed.

And here you are September! I pray that God's hand will be upon me as I live every day of you. May God's promises be fulfilled in your time. May your everyday be used by God to hone me as a Christian who truly lives on His Word and prepare me to feed His sheep. May your nights be of safety and health; your days be of renewed mercies and grace. In Jesus' mighty name.

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